Contact information
Pat King, Secretary – Administration
300 Pierce Industrial Blvd., Blackshear, GA 31516
(912) 449-2100
email: pat.king@piercegaso.org
Mrs. Pat has served with the Office of the Sheriff for over 30 years. She handles all communication and scheduling for Sheriff Bennett and serves as the office manager for the administrative office.
Operating a raffle without the license or failing to meet the requirements of statute is a violation of Georgia Law and subject to prosecution. Operating without a license is committing the offense of commercial gambling as defined by Georgia Law §16-12-22. Any person participating in the operation of a raffle without a valid license similarly commits the offense and is subject to prosecution.
Secondary metals recyclers registry
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 10-1-359.1, secondary metals recyclers who purchase regulated metal property in any quantity must register with the sheriff’s office(s) in the county(s) that they operate within, effective July 1, 2012. An individual or business who purchases any amount of regulated metal must register annually as a secondary metal recycler. If the individual or business collects, hauls or obtains metal without paying for it, registration is not required.